Title: Confessions of a Split Mind
Author: Paul Kiritsis
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 9781546205517
Pages: 128
Genre: Non-fiction, Psychology
Reviewed by: Krista Schnee

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

For many in this modern world, pausing to review one’s thoughts and actions is most likely an infrequent occurrence. Indeed, simply having time to breathe before rushing to work or the next family activity is a luxurious break in the everyday routine. What is lost, though, in these days of continuous stimulation? Have we actually benefited from advances in technology and the rise of the twenty-four hour work schedule? Or are we forgetting ourselves bit by bit, not even understanding what is happening?

In Confessions of a Split Mind, Paul Kiritsis provides readers with an insight into the workings of the modern mind. The book itself is a selection from his own journal and drawings, allowing the reader access to the full creative scope of his quiet time. Not a direct retelling of the author’s life, the book instead is structured as a conversation between the various aspects of his personality, including science and spirituality.

These two components of his mind are personified by The Unknown Pilot and Solim. The third character who participates in the conversation is that of his integrated self, Olyn. Through the discussion between these characters, Kiritsis illuminates the struggle to integrate these opposing viewpoints into a cohesive point of view. While they battle over the veracity of various interpretations of scientific phenomena and spirituality, they also delve into the important questions of life, those philosophical discussions which affect all readers.

In Confessions of a Split Mind, Paul Kiritsis has created something quite unique in the realm of modern publishing. His journal teaches basic aspects of the functioning of the mind along with giving the reader a basic understanding of some of the big philosophical questions as they relate to the brain. Through the creative and often lively argument between The Unknown Pilot, Solim, and Olyn as well as the inclusion of his own artwork, Kiritsis allows the reader to utilize both their logical and creative sides to make sense of and draw their own conclusions regarding these larger issues that affect humanity.

Any adult reader would benefit greatly from reading Confessions of a Split Mind by Paul Kiritsis. It provides the honest seeker of knowledge with the space to examine many questions regarding science and spirituality. Indeed, through the dialog structure as opposed to a more traditional format, it gives the reader a chance to examine more fully their own basic beliefs. As the book is heavy in Jungian and scientific terminology, however, it would be most appropriate for readers with a college degree. Still, any person, no matter their background or education, would enjoy reading Kiritsis’ Confessions of a Split Mind.