Title: Successful Selling Tips for Introverted Authors
Author: Kim Staflund
Publisher: Polished Publishing Group (PPG)
ISBN: 978-0-9940435-1-1
Pages:  144
Genre: Business, Education, Non-Fiction

Reviewed by:  John Murray

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Writing tends to be a solitary affair. While at some point, authors share their work to get feedback, the majority of the time involves sitting down and writing. That isolation tends to attract and induce introversion, which is not a bad thing. However, an author will have to convince people to buy and read their book. Therein lies the problem for inexperienced or shy writers: how can I get people to find my book out of the ever-expanding list of titles out there?

A problem that Kim Staflund is determined to solve. “Successful Selling Tips for Introverted Authors” is a streamlined guide for introverted, shy, or just inexperienced authors to increase sales. Staflund runs the Polished Publishing Group, a supportive self-publishing firm dedicated to assisting authors in producing professional, trade-quality books. Building upon experiences with her own publishing and PPG clients, she sets out to teach the harmonious utilization of advertising, marketing, and sales to increase book sales. The best part is that all of her detailed steps rely on online tactics only, making it ideal for inexperienced and timid authors. The book breaks down the steps into manageable chunks. Real world examples, including Staflund’s own experiences, help put the material into context. She never wastes time over explaining but relies on the real-world scenarios to expand and detail the provided material. In addition to the expert techniques, Staflund provides semi-interactive coaching. After each collection of scenarios, she provides space for the authors to answer and track their own goals and responses to the given techniques.

To be blunt, this is a fantastic resource for authors. Once the manuscript is complete and ready for the world to purchase, many authors may be at a loss for what to do next. Staflund provides an accessible, engaging, and clear-cut series of steps to follow to increase sales. With a friendly tone and personal anecdotes, the book feels like a face-to-face coaching session that can be re-read at any time. The most helpful aspect was the detailed guidelines for managing social networking, be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or even YouTube. The material within is fairly comprehensive and could be a great starting point, but the more difficult topics like search engine optimization needs supplemental information. That being said, “Successful Selling Tips for Introverted Authors” is not only an incredible resource but a kick-in-the-pants plan for getting audiences interested in introverted and frankly, any, author’s book(s).