Title: Lord Computesalot, Ruler of Aurora Bullyalis, and His Secret Quest to End Bullying
Author: Regina Davis and Carolyn Royer Spencer
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-2785-0
Pages: 40
Genre: Illustrated Children’s book
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
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Pacific Book Review
Lord Computesalot, Ruler of Aurora Bullyalis, and His Secret Quest to End Bullying is a fanciful, imaginative children’s book bringing attention to the issue of bullying to youngsters. Written by authors Regina Davis and Carolyn Royer Spencer, they bring years of educational experience to elementary and kindergarten graders to comprise the vernacular in which the children can understand while simultaneously teaching them some unique history and science.
The title alerts the readers of what is to follow. Lord Computesalot and Aurora Bullyalis; each self-evident to adults to how the words introduce children to characters named for their idiosyncrasies and physical worldly spectacles of science, instantly create interest and curiosity. In the story are characters such as the Foxaloon Elementary School Principal Miss Foxanna Powerpaws, and my favorite, Señor Smarty Pantaloons. Adorable names, which help to intrinsically, imply the characters’ personas.
As the school held contest was about to begin, Mr. Snarl, the school’s janitor had to make sure the floors and walls of the school were spotless. One can imagine the snarl of a man sweeping the floors in the hallways of a school. Lord Cyborgeon Bonaparte was from the Wolverton Woods Elementary School, and obviously the “Bonaparte” came from Napoleon, indicating ego, power and ruling behavior. One of the officiating judges was PTA President Cool Granddaddy big Dwayne – another name I believe conceived in honor of a real Grandfather named Dwayne – a person being a part of the authors’ real world no doubt.
The illustrations are fanciful and unique in exaggerating the facial characteristics of the animal-person images, which instantly identify their personality traits. Done in a colored pencil media, the full page drawings are interleaved throughout the galley offering readers and those being read the story to conjure up a mental story-board of action and imagine the world of wolf, pig and robotic characters acting out the story. A bit rudimentary in the caliber of techniques used in drawing, nevertheless the images serve their purpose to creating the alternative Universe where creatures such as these come to life. Having the use of bold text over varying colored background pages makes this an easy-to-follow learning experience for new readers to imprint the words legibly and clearly.
It is obvious the experience in education amassed by the authors has been used to teach children the moral behavior of being thoughtful and considerate to others, while at the same time not to allow for selfish acts to interfere with the programs undertaken by groups. The robot character representing strength and authority is impressive to little boys, while the outfits and make-up on the female characters will be most enjoyable to little girls. All in all this story has something for everyone; even the adults reading this tale to tots will be entertained.
A perfect gift for a toddler’s birthday party to “grow into,” or a welcomed addition to a family or school library. Lord Computesalot, Ruler of Aurora Bullyalis, and His Secret Quest to End Bullying is a book which can be read at bedtime many times over, allowing for growing minds to drift off into a world of wonderful compassion, consideration and consequences. After all, who wouldn’t want to try one of the jellybean and peperoni pizzas? Yummy!