Title: Emotions and Thoughts
Author: George McKinney
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-2797-6
Pages: 52
Genre: Poetry / Family & Relationships / Marriage

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The poem Me says: I am me to feel free to live as I see, not what others believe! When you get to this point in your life, you need to learn who and what you are so you can live a full life and accept who you are!

About the Author

These writings were meant as a story to the author’s future wife! He spent almost thirty years writing reports that put people into the court system. He felt he should show his future wife he was more than his job might appear to make him! These writings were the reason he wrote his first published book, Feelings and Carings after his wife had passed. This book shows all the thoughts going through his mind as he was obtaining his divorce and getting remarried!

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