Title: Sobaka: Finds a Home
Author: Becky Williams
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-4464-2
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Animals
Pages: 80
Ever look at your pet and ask, what is this pet thinking? What kind of past does this pet have? Becky Williams gives the answer to these questions about her dog, Sobaka. Sobaka’s past was unknown, but her reactions to the human world told us that she had a very rocky relationship with human families. Drawing from experience with people and dogs, Becky Williams gives a story about a lost dog from the dog’s perspective, using a dog’s interactive thoughts concerning God and man.
About the Author
Becky Williams is a Christian minister with a love for pets. Her desire in writing this book is to give the reader an insight on the worries a pet might have in the care of different human families. The author also wishes for the reader to understand that animals, like humans, have an understanding of God as their creator and provider.
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