Title: The Colonial Countess
Author: Robin Bell
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781524522568
Pages: 130
Genre: Fiction
On her arrival in England in 1886, after sailing from Melbourne Australia, eighteen-year-old Mary Evans discovers she belongs to an aristocratic family and has inherited the title of Countess. Life becomes very complicated for Mary, who has no knowledge of the aristocratic way of life or the role she is expected to uphold. She has many adventures as she deals, in her own way, with the various situations that arise in the months following her arrival in England.
About the Author
Robin Bell lives on and manages the family dairy farm in South Gippsland that her Grandfather bought in 1910. She also teaches agricultural courses for potential and current farmers. Robin’s interest in history, particularly the 19th century, developed when she started to look into the lives of her ancestors before they left Britain, and after they landed in Melbourne in 1839.
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