Title: I-Spy and Cansey and the Toy from the Sky
Author: Alan K. Mason
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-5246-5689-8
Pages: 48
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
Pacific Book Review
Sibling rivalry occurs in the feline family just as it does with human children. Brother cat Cansey, a hefty black and white Tuxedo cat and his sister, I-Spy, a Calico frolic around in their house spending each day together. As curiosity and intelligence of these animals calls for constant stimulation of activities, I-Spy comes up with an idea for a bet. She bets her brother cat that if she went outside, a toy would fall from the sky. Thinking it was a silly and an unlikely event, Cansey takes her up on the bet. What would be the pay-off? Whoever loses will have to sleep on Dad’s head.
So the fanciful characters discuss the “rules” of such a cat deal in the adventure story I-Spy and Cansey and the Toy from the Sky. If the Dad would be a better housekeeper, he would get the toys which got tossed under the couch more frequently, so I-Spy and Cansey would have more toys to play with, but be-that-as-it-may, I-Spy thinks she will get a new toy – from the sky. Out to the backyard she goes. Waiting, wishing, looking at the sky, time goes by and Cansey thinks he’ll take a quick jaunt to the litter box, when all of a sudden a blue hacky sack appears to fall right next to I-Spy! Now comes the hard part – Cansey has to sleep on Dad’s head.
Beautifully illustrated with the interleaving of full page pictures along with the clever dialog and storyline, written in the vernacular for toddlers and preschoolers, the book unfolds with the imaginative humor and playfulness of one of man’s most beloved pets – furry, fluffy cats. Bringing to young minds the challenges and mischief of what cats do all day when the humans are away, children will enjoy hearing this bedtime story time and time again. Author Alan K. Mason has created a book which will adorn home libraries; his cat adventures, based upon his real pets, albeit a bit of artistic license used to embellish the personifications of his cats to live forever in this children’s book. A wonderful birthday gift for toddlers, I-Spy and Cansey and the Toy from the Sky will be enjoyed by all cat lovers and children alike.