Title: My Journey from Beatings to Beauty
Author: Belle
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-5611-0
Pages: 156
Genre: Poetry

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It took me twenty-two years to write a complete book of poetry. It can’t be forced; there has to be some serious emotion behind it, and this extremely intense journey—this last twenty-two years of my life—is part of the structure I am made of. Writing is in my soul. It flows so smoothly through all that I am and comes out through a pen on to a page in my book. I find my center and reorganize my goals because I am putting the best part of myself forward, knowing I am not perfect and neither is my work. The funny thing is, my biggest successes have come from overcoming my biggest fears and then realizing I found comfort and safety during the battle. So this is what you get. Just me! Only me!

About the Author

Belle is a proud mother two and lives in Powell River, BC, Canada. Powell River is a breath taking small city on the Sunshine Coast of BC, which is where Kristie grew up and still loves to this day. She is excited to debut her first book as well as she is presently working on a fiction novel and is sure to keep her readers wanting more. Kristie has overcome a plethora of obstacles in her lifetime but, has always kept positive by using her writing to stay focused. Her passion for writing is clear from the first page to the last and would not have got this far without the love, support and encouragement of the people she holds dear.

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