Title: An Oath to Odin
Author: Richard Cooper
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9781532037665
Pages: 242
Genre: Literary Fiction, Action/Adventure, Mystery/Thriller
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

Thor’s village was invaded when he was a young man, only 15-years-old. His whole family was murdered as well as many of his friends. From that day Thor swore vengeance upon those barbarians. As he swears vengeance, he also makes an oath to bring glory and honor to the god Odin as he seeks his revenge and rebuilds his kingdom. But, young Thor has little assistance, all he has is an old crone, a mute boy, a small girl, and one of his father’s lieutenants. To begin they must repair a dilapidated old boat and sail in search of these men. Thor is determined to remain true to his vow regardless of what happens. While he embarks on this journey of revenge he learns the most important things he needs to accomplish to find success, and what it means to be a man.

Not many novels can take a specific mythology and adapt it into something new, or portray it in such a way that makes the reader desire to learn more. This novel does just that. Richard Cooper has given readers a book that is both exciting and entertaining to read. It is very difficult to put down as his writing lures you into the depths of the story and readers will be unable to pull themselves away. Cooper has a way of breathing life into his words animating his descriptions and character for the readers. Some of his word choices brings a smile onto your face such as when describing the old crone, readers get a vivid image of how she looks and smells down to the “things best not thought of.” Those five words makes the reader almost crinkle their nose from the smell.

As the story progresses readers watch as Thor grows from the young fifteen-year-old boy into a man who will rebuild his empire and be known for his deeds. He is a character that comes into himself through each trial he faces throughout the story and grows from it. He is not a obnoxious character that readers will become annoyed with, but one who has mountains of depth and complexity that readers will crave more from him, as well as more from this author. The other characters, while supporting characters, have their own sense of strength and complexity as well, and none of them run together. They feed off one another and give strength to each other.

After reading this novel, I have gained a new found appreciation and desire to learn more about the Norse mythology. If you find yourself drawn to mythology, Vikings, coming of age stories, adventures, quests and the like, then this is the book for you. Once you begin reading this book, you will not be disappointed. I give An Oath to Odin a high recommendation. Fantastically written and enjoyable to read. It is truly rare to find a novel of this magnitude and I have high hopes for the future of Richard Cooper’s writing.