Title: Emele’s Night Goddess: Book III
Author: Steve Pierce
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-1164-5
Pages: 226
Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss

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Ian continues to make his way to New York City. There he hopes to find a woman connected to serial killings in Las Vegas. A woman rumored to have vampire tendencies. There is a night club in New York called Queen of the Night where Ian believes this is the place to find her. But, what exactly will he do when he finds her? What are his motives for searching for this woman? In the meantime he befriends Claudia who is also interested in the vampire lore and wants to hear all about Ian’s stories. Yet, is Ian as infatuated with the fantasy as Claudia is? All the while Emelia grows stronger as she evolves into her vampire powers, but the question remains of whether she is gaining control or is she becoming increasingly unstable. The sisters strive to live their night lives as normally as possible. They don’t want to draw any unwanted attention to their family. Is Ian this unwanted attention?

Vampire lore is a subject that continues to captivate audiences of all ages. The mystery, the danger and the passion fuel fantastical storylines. The idea of vampires lure readers into many entertaining, thrilling and magical stories, as in Steve Pierce’s novel Emele’s Night Goddess. While this is the third book in a series, it can stand alone on its own. The tale entices readers with excitement, anticipation, and intrigue. With twists and turns happening at every corner, you never know what to expect next. You will find yourself saying “one more chapter, just one more, please,” only to find you have finished the book in one night. There are a few explicit scenes, but Pierce tactfully narrates them to allow the reader’s imagination to run wild. Readers are drawn into Ian’s story and feel connected to Emelia and Claudia, as if they were close friends.

The dialogue and character interactions are very realistic and evokes humor as character banter go back and forth. This allows the characters to feel familiar and adds depth to the tale. Pierce offers enough detail and backstory so that the readers can pick up this novel as a standalone book; rather than the third book of a series. Pierce gives his audience a thrill which will leave them hungry for more. Pierce’s writing style is detailed yet simplistic at the same time. He paints a clear picture of his story for the fans; it is easy to see what he wants us to see. Overall, Emele’s Night Goddess is a unique vampire tale. It is an entertaining and quick read; one filled with passion, excitement and a smidge of danger. Fans of the supernatural world, especially vampires, will enjoy this book. It is a real page-turner, the type of book where you go into it expecting one thing and are pleasantly surprised with what it turns out to be. Readers will not be disappointed when reading this novel.