Title: EMP Causality
Author: Michael Kravitz
Publisher: BookVenture Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64348-044-2
Pages: 202
Genre: Fiction, Romance

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Michael Kravitz is an emerging author who lives in southern New England. He was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He moved to a residential farming community in the 1950s. This helped developed a sense of self-sufficiency and a strong work ethic. This gave him the driving force that developed Ben Randal’s character. He had a lifetime of experiences, enduring many ups and downs. He published his first book, Boston Darkens, and this second book is a sequel, a continuing story of the struggles of Ben Randal and his family. After high school, Michael Kravitz went to the University of Massachusetts, where he received his bachelor of science degree. He also has done some postgraduate studies at Suffolk University and Boston University. Soon after college, he worked as an engineer at Johnson & Johnson. Back in the late 60s, during the Vietnam era, instead of opting for a draft exemption, he did a stint in the US Army. After serving in the US Army, he came home and went for a ride with his grandmother. With his college degree and an honorable discharge, he sought employment. Visiting six different firms that day, he had four offers for employment. He elected to work for Draper Bros., in Canton, Massachusetts. Throughout his life, he attempted many different activities. He played tennis, darts, bowling, skiing, and even the clarinet in symphonic bands. He also worked on the weekends in his father’s business. His father owned a reupholstering and window treatments shop. They did custom work for decorators and special clients. When his father was diagnosed with cancer, he left his engineering job to keep the business going. Days soon turned to months and years. During those years, he had done extensive traveling not as a tourist but usually alone and on trains. Some of the countries he visited include Holland, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Tanzania, Austria, Mexico, Canada, and England.

About the Author

Ann, a Massachusetts state trooper, loaded her duffle bag, extra ammunition, and supplies in the back of the Humvee. Camille, a middle-aged full-figured woman of African descent is riding shotgun. She carries a heavy heart. Her purpose on this trip is to inform her sister that her son was killed by a roving gang. William is sitting in the back seat next to Fred. He is a caregiver for his client Fred, a heavyset challenged man in his late seventies. William is desperately, almost neurotically, trying to seek medical help for Fred. Since the EMP strike, Fred has been without the proper medication for diabetes and high blood pressure. The four in the Humvee are on a perilous journey halfway across the country, to a “tent city” near the Mississippi River, a long ways from Boston. Through each bend and turn, they meet some people in need and others who have evil in their souls. Four unlikely heroes in a Humvee, on an unlikely trip—the recipe for a captivating story.

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