Title: Outside the Box: A Wind of Change
Author: Pietro Barbara
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1543408157
Pages: 98
Genre: Non-fiction/Philosophy
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Pacific Book Review
It is said that one of the most difficult things any person can do is accept change. Living in a time when those in power cling to the past, author Pietro Barbara has written a book that explores the concept of thinking outside of the box, or thinking past societal norms, and looking towards making real changes to improve the lives of all Australians and the nation as a whole. This book it titled Outside the Box: A Wind of Change, and it explores key aspects of society in the nation and how they can be improved.
Kevin Rudd once said, “Australia is a nation of compassion. Courage and compassion. And the third of these great values: resilience.” Author Pietro Barbara delves into that mindset, looking to forgo the judgments and narrow mindedness of the past to create a future for all Australians, both the indigenous people of the nation and those who live there as a result of the British and their arrival in the country many years ago. The author does a great job of highlighting the various areas for improvement and providing cutting edge, free thinking solutions that could solve many of the problems of the nation.
From the nation’s economic and environmental problems from which the author draws on personal experience in the field of nuclear power, to the formation of one multicultural nation of all Australians everywhere, this book gives readers a chance to explore new ways of thinking and improving the world around them.
The writing in this book is very detailed and thought out, exploring the nuances of Australia as both a society and a nation. This quote shows the much-needed bluntness to which society as a whole fails to grasp often when thinking of these solutions. “The outside-the-box concept here is to make education a lot more inclusive. With knowledge and preparation, future generations will be better-equipped to cope with and solve a lot of the issues we are struggling with today.” This quote shows a clear cut solution that can improve the way we teach future generations and help them prepare for the problems our actions today will leave them with.
This is definitely a book for the people of Australia, but also for anyone looking to change the world around them as a whole. For me as an American citizen, I was able to draw a lot of parallels with the author and his journey in his own home country. Living in such a divisive time, there are several clear cut, outside the box solutions I see every day that should improve the lives of my country, and yet we are surrounded by people who would rather divide us as a people than bring us closer together. True leadership demands a government free of corruption and open to new solutions and new ways of thinking, and that’s what the author brings out in his writing.
This is a fantastic read for any person. While the people of Australia will feel a specialconnection to the story personally, this basic concept introduced by the author is something we can all use in these difficult times. The writing was clear and precise, and the underlying theme that I found was a message of hope. Hope for future generations that may read this and see the possibility for a peaceful and united future. If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of Outside the Box: A Wind of Change by Pietro Barbara, do so today! This is an entertaining and culturally eye-opening book.