Title: Therapy: The Poem Book
Author: Mike McCluskey
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-1352-6
Pages: 78
Genre: Poetry

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This is Mike McCluskeys eleventh full-length poem book. It includes forty-nine poems and the story poem Grim. Mike takes you into the deepest and darkest confines of his mind. Delving into the thoughts of a madman and inner reaches of insanity. Discover the therapeutic reasons behind why he writes. His own personal therapy and his own personal prescription is penned specifically to himselfthe self-medication of a psychopath. Mike injects a positive way to deal with the pangs of a tragic and sad life. This is his escape within his mind that the world tried to keep locked away, trapped like a patient. He became his own doctor, and the patient has escaped! He can see it all clearly nowan artist finding a patient escape and reflects stress when therapy is expressed. The doctor can see you now!

About the Author

The author of 42 self-published books including: 14 full-length poem books, 16 poetry chapbooks and 12 short story books, Mike McCluskey has been a resident of Holly, Michigan for the past 26 years. Mike began writing as a young child in the 1980’s. He had a notebook with various monsters on the cover and he would fill the pages with short stories of horror and monsters. He would then share these stories with family and neighbors. After they were read, Mike would erase all the stories and write the pages once again with new stories. Mike wrote his first poem in 1991 to his mother as a mother’s day gift. He ultimately began a lifelong dedication to poetry in 1997, while occasionally writing short stories. After many failed attempts at getting his work published, Mike started self-publishing his own books to share his art and inner turmoil. So DARK MAN INC. began in 2002.

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