Title: Innovative Parenting
Subtitle: Simple Tips for Raising Awesome Kids
Author: Judi Holdeman
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
Pages: 60
ISBN: 978-1-64361-027-6
Genre: Parenting, Psychology
The tips for raising kids in Artful Parenting are for use by parents who . . . Want to have happy, well-adjusted kids. desire to raise their children in a more positive and nurturing environment than they may have experienced in their own childhood. Want to be in charge of their children in a responsible and loving way and not have their kids be in charge of them. Want to teach their children to have respect for themselves and others. Want to have a handle on giving their children choices. Believe in disciplining children and don’t want to hit or beat them. Want their kids to be truthful with them. want to start right with their kids instead of wishing they’d done it differently.
About the Author
Author Judi Holdeman took a parenting class before the birth of her fourth child. He turned out to be such a well-adjusted and caring person, she knew she had done the right thing by following what she had learned. Now she is passing on these special tips that you can use while raising your own children. Today Judi lives happily in Southern Oregon.