Title: I: The Immutable and Perpetual Divine in 9
Author: Davide
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781984501356
Pages: 118
Genre: Spirituality, Inspirational
Reviewed by: Rae C. Bernard

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To connect with your creator or the Universe on another mental, emotional, and spiritual level has been somewhat of a controversial subject for years on end. The fear of the mass majority of the unknown failed to understand that by doing so, it brings on benefits through all aspects of one’s life. Why do people allow fear to overcome them and only then wonder why things aren’t happening in their favor? In I: The Immutable and Perpetual Divine in 9, author Davide automatically discusses the value of “I” and how that should be the route of all unanswered questions or concerns. In particular, meditation is highly encouraged for the sake of building a stronger relationship with God, the Universe, and your body. Why is that suggested? If we as readers, take into great consideration just how powerful the vessels we’re gifted with and just what it can do to benefit us if we stop holding it back, we would be more than surprised it’ll become our new way of living. Unfortunately, we fail ourselves daily because we lack the practice of zoning into ourselves and channeling the energies of the universe to keep our entire being as pure as possible. With such practice, we can very well rid ourselves of sickness, diseases, and ailments that trouble us as a whole.

One thing that stood out the most was how we’re living our false truth due to forms of “brainwashing,” by being uneducated by our parents, guardians, teachers, caregivers, and our communities, and how their level of influence should never be underestimated. We are to free ourselves from “any all restrictive forces,” as we’re continuing this journey of life on our own, it is up to us to not limit our abilities. It was interesting to learn just how much we’ve lost touch with our inner child and wonder, would we ever be able to go back to being carefree? The argument here is that we are enslaved by selfimposing ourselves to that level of imprisonment and we are responsible for our own individual freedom. Author Davide addresses that by practicing daily meditation with conviction will “lead to a realization and self-knowledge that peace and happiness are not only conceivable but attainable,” it’s up to the use of our words to achieve it.

An example described was by complaining and how that our false self can succumb to a life of constant loss and mentally just accepting the way things are without question. Use the power of your words to brighten up your inner light, surround yourself with positivity to keep you above the negatives, heal your mind and body with the power of words through meditation, can have a great effect on making life exactly what you want it to be. When author Davide stated that our faces betray what we feel, it was instantly relatable, as I know for certain that my face does this all the time no matter how much I try to hide my true feelings. Anyone reading this book would feel that these words resonate with them in some way, making you feel a connection with the author as well.

I’m not much into meditation but I have begun a journey of mindfulness, which is sort of like meditation as described within this book. What was mentioned about freeing our minds and bodies from limitations is true, but we’ll never get there living in fear of the unknown. If we’re not working towards improving our lives by using more holistic alternatives to our health, we’ll forever suffer in a world of traditional and harmful medicinal practices. I learned so much about meditation and being mindful of the words I speak out loud to myself and others, as words are powerful by holding a substantial amount of weight that targets our subconscious. By doing better for our mind, spirit, and body, we will become a better being amongst society for ourselves. I highly recommend everyone to consider reading this book, although not a reference per se, there’s so much to take away and apply to one’s life that would be highly beneficial for all.

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