Title: Please, Please Listen! This Is Your Body Speaking
Author: Terry Bjelland
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1984549150
Pages: 90
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Pacific Book Review
Living healthy is important. A lot of us could not be functioning without a healthy body. Imagine a concerned party who takes their time to inform you how to take care of your body; and they do it so well that you feel like you need to pay more attention to things like your diet, the activities you engage in and generally what you consume. That is exactly what Terry Bjelland did in the book. The author was influenced by the demise of his mother and mother-in-law to write this book made everything genuine and real. The first thing I took from this book is that almost every disease is a result of poor nutrition and dieting habits. More often than not, people indulge in foods which are not helpful in the body only to have their digestive systems damaged.
This may sound like a cliché but it is true that fast foods have greatly contributed to the spread of some of the chronic diseases we have today. Some cancers and heart diseases are on the rise because of some products sold by industries. Processed foods are not good and the author discouraged the reader against having them as a favorite. The author also warned against the consumption of genetically modified foods. He used the example of the corn plant which had been modified to resist herbicide so as to use the herbicide without stressing the plant. Anyone who consumed the corn became sick because it weakened the immune system.
Please, Please Listen! This Is Your Body Speaking reads like a fountain of knowledge. I was impressed that as a microscopist, the author understood how vital organs in the body work. Terry Bjelland wrote about the importance of blood and even more essential, healthy blood. The author expounded on why everyone should keep their intestinal systems clean and healthy. Having a healthy diet means having healthier blood. This is good because, like any other organ in the body, blood will effectively do its work. The author also shared a little history of when man began changing his diet. Terry Bjelland noted that a majority of the chronic diseases witnessed today started in the 1900s; which is the period when we started to process and over-processed food.
The author certainly had a lot to write about taking care of our bodies and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The general lesson that can be taken from this book is that one should always watch what they eat. To quote Hippocrates, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” I loved reading every page of the book because of the many healthy tips the author gave. One is capable of leading a different life after looking at the facts and statistics about lifestyle diseases that Terry shared. What makes this book great is the writing style the author used. Anyone who can read even the simplest of sentences can enjoy this book. There is nothing complex to understand in Please, Please Listen! This Is Your Body Speaking, yet good advice, well taken, is the sign of an intelligent person.