Title: Positive Psychology Coaching
Author: Susanne Knowles
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781984501943
Genre: Education/Business
Pages: 344

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Coaching is an emerging profession across all walks of life. Coaches work in community, business, governments, private, and not-for-profit settings to assist people grow personally and professionally. More people are engaging their own life, business, career transition, leadership, or executive coaches to help them solve their life or work problems and reach their goals more quickly and easily. Coaches are a sounding board to clients, putting their agenda front and center and the clients back in control of their life. The coach works nonjudgmentally with clients to understand their situation and needs, help them become more self-aware and resourceful, uncover insights into themselves and what they need to do, and stand side by side with them as they take the actions they need to take. Why Positive Psychology Coaching? Because before people can change their behavior, they often need to change their mindset. A client’s mindset may be positive and supportive of change or negative and is holding them back. Coaching from a positive-psychology perspective means that the coach and client are always focusing on what’s right in life, rather than what’s wrong. The coach works with the client to identify their limiting beliefs and reframe them into positives. Together, they identify solutions or goals and develop action plans to achieve these outcomes. Change can happen very quickly once beliefs and actions are aligned and supported by positive affirmations which boost self-esteem and self-efficacy. Every day, we try to find meaning in life, and when we don’t, we become confused and search for answers. We can look back and despair or we can look forward into a compelling future. Many people neither want nor need to see a therapist or counselor, and they choose to see a professional coach instead to help them resolve their situation and find greater happiness in life.

About the Author

Susanne is an educational, counselling and organisational psychologist and the CEO of the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches. With three Masters degrees in Education, Psychology and Business Administration, she is focused on assisting individuals achieve their personal and professional goals, motivating teams to peak performance, and supporting organisations to increase employee engagement, retain talent and improve profitability. She has held senior executive positions in government and private sector organisations and served as a Board member on several government, not-for-profit and professional services firms. Her executive coaching experience was gained from 20 years as a consultant to national and international organisations, focused on facilitating the strategic direction of these firms. Susanne is completing her PhD at the University of Queensland in how organisations develop a coaching culture.

Coaching is an emerging profession across all walks of life. Coaches work in communities, businesses, governments, private and not-for-profit settings to assist people to grow personally and professionally. More people are engaging their own life, business, career transition, leadership, or executive coaches to help them solve their life or work problems and reach their goals more quickly and easily. Coaches are sounding boards to clients, putting their agenda front and center and the clients back in control of their life. The coach works nonjudgmentally with clients to understand their situation and needs, help them become more self-aware and resourceful, uncover insights into themselves and what they need to do, and stand side by side with them as they take the actions they need to take.

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