Title: All Over the World Boys Behaving Badly
Author: Brynn Somerlynn
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64361-776-3
Genre: Politics
Pages: 184
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent

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All Over the World Boys Behaving Badly is a thought-provoking book that will be intriguing to readers. Brynn Somerlynn has written a provocative book about a wide range of topics.

All Over the World is a personal and political text that bemoans the lack of traditional masculinity in society that has led to a battle of the sexes. Somerlynn believes that the traditional gender roles of men being providers and women being homemakers are preferable to the current push toward an egalitarian society. She comments on how she can’t find eligible men to date because they are not being aggressive enough. While Somerlynn has traditional beliefs about women being more domestic, she also believes that men should help women more with household chores and contribute to the division of labor in the home.

Somerlynn also comments on race relations by saying that racism isn’t as bad as it was before in history because African Americans like former President Obama and celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have made great strides in American society. She also asserts that White Privilege isn’t as prevalent as minority political leaders say it is in America because of personal tragedies that befell her and other White people in her life.

Somerlynn’s writing is brash and hard-hitting when she writes about controversial topics such as immigration and feminism. Her writing is not politically correct and is very direct. Though her writing is brash, there are also moments of vulnerability and sensitivity. Her writing mixes political rhetoric with her personal stories of surviving a tumultuous marriage and mixing blended families. Somerlynn’s writing is unapologetic and will spark discussion among readers.

All Over the World Boys Behaving Badly would be best for conservative readers who have traditional views on gender, sexuality, and race. The book would be ideal for fans of firebrand conservative writers. Fans of Ann Coulter’s Adios America will agree with her views on undocumented immigrants. Readers who like Tomi Lahren’s Never Play Dead or Mark Levin’s Unfreedom of the Press will also like Somerlynn’s text. The book has very controversial beliefs, but even readers who don’t agree with Somerlynn’s views can learn about different points of view that are very popular with half of Americans today. All Over the World could be discussed in political book clubs or in book clubs debating feminism.

All Over the World Boys Behaving Badly is a provocative book that will spark discussion among readers.

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