Title: A Miner’s Family Life: Memories of Minden, West Virginia
Author: Billy Ray Bibb
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 987-1-7283-0084-9
Genre: Memoir
Pages: 112

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Dare we compare mining to slavery? In a way, yes. Although miners were not physically owned, they were mentally owned by their work. Livelihoods were owned by the company store—which was detrimental both emotionally and psychologically—making life difficult for not just the miners but their families, too.

About the Author

Billy Ray Bibb served in the United States Navy and has always had a desire to tell his life’s story. From the book’s proceeds, he plans to raise money for the Minden Community Center in an effort to preserve the small West Virgina town’s history. Bibb currently lives in Scottsville, Virginia. Dare we compare mining to slavery? In a way, yes. Although miners were not physically owned, they were mentally owned by their work. Livelihoods were owned by the company store—which was detrimental both emotionally and psychologically—making life difficult for not just the miners but their families, too.

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