Title: Knowledge of the Hour
Author: Torati
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 9781728324784
Pages: 68
Genre: Religion
Reviewed by: Rae C. Bernard

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Carrying out life with time is something we’ve been doing for as long as man has existed. To find out that not only have we been taught to follow date and time, accordingly, but we have been worshiping paganist beliefs without knowing. Time is extremely important to us as we use it to track activities, age of everything, and scheduling out plans for the future. Never would have thought to be potentially harming our future in the afterlife by following behind both a calendar and clock. Do we have a chance to right our wrongs of the influences we have been exposed to without our knowledge, or is it too late for the survival of God’s wrath?

In Knowledge of the Hour, author Torati shares some very insightful information with his readers that makes them truly consider everything in their life. The dates and times in life are the most valuable right after the will of living, which leads one to wonder why it has such major importance. Understanding that we all must focus around this invisible clock, racing to accomplish as much as possible before our time runs out, we should know the true meaning of time. It is brought to our attention that our days, months, and hours were created for a deeper purpose than our limited knowledge, that it took someone intrigued to find out.

The secret is discovering just what the names of days and months mean. We learn that everything has more than one meaning, which can develop into more harm than good. As mentioned in the book, Torati points out that each name was created based on biblical beliefs, then changed by the Romans to represent paganism. A representation of all the gods they worship, in association with Satan ruling the world has made himself easier to receive praise through infiltration. Every system has its flaws and this seems to be the only one that remains successful due to its consistent longevity. The author is encouraging everyone to wake up, refocus their entire life back to God if there’s to be a chance for salvation because Satan has a hold on the world as we know it.

I had no idea that paganist beliefs have influenced our sense of time because everyone would just think it was a great method of keeping track. This book has given me an outlook on days and hours that I wasn’t expecting and now I’m a bit more aware. Unfortunately, other cultures are going based on the same time and days, just the time zones are different. So, who is safe from this influence? I commend the author for writing this book and ensuring that everyone who reads this would learn something valuable in the prevention of soul damnation. Knowledge of the Hour opened my eyes to many things taking my focus away from God and gave me solutions to correct it. The book makes you analyze your life and really spells out the distractions of this world and how to cope with it. I learned something new that I will always be mindful of, going forward and highly recommend this book to everyone in hopes of gaining a new perspective on why we’re tracking life.

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