Title: The Golden Mile
Author: Brian Ward
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781796005998
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 218
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares a

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Poetry is one of the most fantastic forms of art because it is almost lawless when it comes to presentation. Some poetry is classic ABAB while others seem more like an essay under the guise of poetry. Since its boundaries are so vague, it is hard to say what makes a good poem or a good poet; that is for the reader to decide. In The Golden Mile, Brian Ward has put his talent forward for your consideration.

Ward writes in a number of styles in this book, each one with its own section. A variety of styles allows Ward to showcase his talents as a poet. His ABAB style reminds me of Dr. Suess, but with a much more mature tone. It’s when he ventures away from this popular style that his talent and range begin to show through.

The subject matter ranges widely but is mostly derived from personal experience. In the title poem, he talks about his father, and family plays a crucial role in many of Brian’s poems. He spends a fair amount of time writing about travel, and life and faith are also common themes.
For an amateur poet, Ward has done a great job with his meter as well as his vocabulary. It is nice that this book has a glossary so everyone can fully grasp the poems. Again, poems can be a bit lawless, but Ward’s grammar is spectacular, which you don’t always see in books like this.

The Golden Mile
is a quick but pleasurable read that is appropriate for readers of almost any age. If you are a fan of poetry, you will undoubtedly find one or two in this collection that resonates with you. Hopefully, Mr. Ward has more in store for us, and his poems continue to develop as he grows in his craft.

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