Title: One Can See Differently by E. C.
Author: Eugene St Martin Jr.
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-5320-6146-2
Genre: Spiritual / Poetry
Pages: 66

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A journal of my life this year as I go about my life to church, to work, to teaching, to play, and to visiting friends. The first chapter is a story of the spring. The second chapter is like a sketchbook or a glimpse into a journal. There are reflections and prayers and wishes. The ideas from church are ideas I heard from the priests. It is really paraphrased versus a direct quotation. And some of the biblical quotes I used are used in the poem I wrote. Also, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a part of my book is the pictures I submitted. They help to illustrate and develop the book. The second chapter is about the summer of 2018 and about some of the things I went through. Still in my book, I am hoping it is pleasing to God. I hope it loves God. I hope it helps bring God’s love to others.

About the Author

E. C. has been a groundskeeper helping maintain tennis courts, particularly green clay tennis courts. In the evenings he teaches tennis in the parks. He teaches primarily beginner children and adults. He enjoys singing in his church choir.

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