Title: Death Ball
Author: Eddie Ruzzi
Publisher: Lulu Publishing Services
ISBN: 978-1483476001
Pages: 166
Genre: Science-Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Pacific Book Review

Often in life, those in power will be lured and tempted to corruption. As Charles Caleb Colton once said, “Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.” In author Eddie Ruzzi’s book Death Ball, an innocent man must navigate a treacherous game of life or death in order to prove his innocence.

In this epic sci-fi story, a decorated space officer named Tosin Luval is set up for the failed arrest of a major criminal in the Rey-Lin star system and the subsequent destruction of an entire town on the planet Kree. With his wife and son in danger and facing life in prison, Tosin agrees to play a deadly game alongside some convicted prisoners who become his allies, in an attempt to clear his name that has been tarnished by a corrupt government.

This book is a brilliant blend of tales like The Hunger Games, Gladiator and Star Trek. The militarized space adventure meets the style of action/political thrillers. keeping readers invested early on, introducing readers to an already established space mythology filled with corrupt government officials, evil drug lords, and heroic officers who fall prey to the machinations of those they serve.

The book is the perfect read for those who love epic sci-fi sagas, tales of corruption and stories of redemption meets justice. As a fan of the genre, it was very easy to immerse myself in the lore of this star system and its major players. Maytor Dax is a great villain in particular, crafting a vile criminal kingpin character who begins pulling all the strings of so many characters, readers won’t be able to help feeling invested in the plight of the protagonist and those caught in the criminal’s web.

This is a great book for sci-fi fans that is fairly quick and easy to read. Filled with high-octane action, deep seated mythology and a great cast of characters, readers will instantly fall in love with this thrilling adventure. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of Death Ball by Eddie Ruzzi today!

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