Title: Wet grass
Author: Francisco Javier Morales E.
Publisher: Palibrio
ISBN: 978-1506522319
Pages: 156
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Literary
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Memories are one of the most treasured things a person can have in their lives. Whether they look to sad or uncomfortable memories in an effort to learn an important life lesson, or look back fondly on warm or happy memories in moments of stress, memories play an important part in our lives. As model and designer Alek Wek once said, “The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.”

In author Francisco Javier Morales E.’s “Wet grass”, the author explores the concept of memories in the face of death. As Javier sits in a Mexico City hospital, recovering from a case of pneumonia and lost in a sea of pain killers and exhaustion, he begins to hallucinate and dream of his life, both how it was and how it could have been. Memories of lost love like the one he shared with Maria, or the pain and fear of the unknown and being lost to the ones he loved as he looked into their eyes before embarking on a medical procedure, all these and more lead to realizations and understanding of the road his life had taken him on so long ago.

This is a memorable and beautifully written novel. The characters are relatable and drive the emotional core of the narrative wholeheartedly. The poetic nature of the narrative shines through in every chapter, as the author artfully expresses the fear of the unknown and how an uncertainty about the future can drive us all to examine our past and seek to understand the mistakes we’ve made. One narrative plot involving interactions with his mother and daughter and the raw emotions that drove them upon entering the hospital at different occasions really struck a chord with me as a reader, as moments of my own past with a loved one felt as raw and emotional as the author conveyed in the novel.

This book is the perfect read for those who love the genre of fiction, especially books written in a profoundly literary way and narratives which examine life in all its complexities and the intense emotional periods we often face. There are many relatable moments for the reader as Javier reflects on his own mistakes and the paths it led him down, and gives readers a protagonist that they can not only identify with but who strikes a profound, emotion-driven chord.

A breathtaking, heartfelt and memorable read, author Francisco Javier Morales E.’s “Wet grass” is a must-read novel. The evenly-paced and detailed read quickly identifies the protagonist with the reader, and touches upon many of life’s more difficult and emotional beats.  A book filled with poetic imagery and intense emotions throughout the narrative, this is the kind of novel that both entertains and leaves readers with a thought-provoking journey that is not to be missed.

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