Title: Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life
Author: Richard Todd Devens
Publisher: Outskirts Press, Inc.
ISBN: 1432798804
Pages: 228
Genre: Philosophy of Ethics & Morality
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel
Pacific Book Review
Rational Polemics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life is a nonfiction venture described as provocative, controversial, and outrageous – tackling the heavy topic of morals and ethics. The humor is blunt with a candor praised for being refreshing and has personal opinions woven throughout. This book tackles a variety of heavy topics that range from poetic justice to forgiveness with controversial questions about drugs, religion, relationships, and the media. Author Richard Todd Devens isn’t shy about being blunt and honest with personal incite about the media to the true meaning of evil. The topics bounce from the minor dealings of rude people all the way to the end of the spectrum with tackling the notion of cannibalism. Rational Polemics has given Devens a platform to explore these topics in a way that is original and outspoken.
Rational Polemics is rooted in what Devens refers to as starting with his own disillusionment with religion. This disillusionment sets up the tone for the book which stems from his own curt humor and outspoken thoughts. The controversial topics that Devens explores are shared through an opinion of brutal honesty, clever humor, and an analytical take which has a philosophical approach. Devens doesn’t pull back any punches with his opinions on morals and ethics, taking no prisoners with the topics that include forgiveness, poetic justice, marriage, and lies in the media. Rational Polemics covers topics that are more mundane like the dealings of rude people and music manipulation to more surprising topics like prostitution and cannibalism. The anatomy of evil is woven into the foundation of the book which has given Devens an ideal spotlight for vocalizing his thoughts.
Devens doesn’t pull back from asking questions that make you think about topics that aren’t always easy such as poetic justice in terms of getting back at evildoers that have done horrific things. Questions posed in Rational Polemics are asked with the goal of getting you to think about things in a broader way with Devens putting everyone in the hot seat by thinking about if revenge and vigilantism can be justified. This goes as far as asking questions about the death penalty and the often toughness when it comes to forgiveness when the person has committed heinous actions. Society is at the center of the book with the hidden meanings and double language that is presented in our everyday life with Devens exploring contradictions, hypocrisies, lingo, and the law of averages. The careful way that Devens delivers every chapter shows the careful thought and consideration behind every ideal and opinion that is presented through Rational Polemics.
This book is written with specific language and words that are carefully chosen. Rational Polemics is aimed at those that are seeking nonfiction reads which handle controversial concepts in a way that is blunt and humorous with a tone on the various concepts that borders on farce and tongue in cheek. Devens is candid about sharing opinions on even what other people think; going into topics that are considered taboo or controversial such as racism, rudeness, music, media, marriage, cannibalism, adultery, prostitution, and the death penalty.
“Rational Polemics” delves directly from Devens own thoughts and opinions which tackle these various concepts with the goal of just exploring controversial topics from a different light. It is a book in which readers won’t forget thinking about long after finishing, and will have a profound effect on your thoughts – which is exactly the intent of the author.