Title: My Epiphany
Authors: Bahador Ghahramani
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-8864-7
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 82
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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It is said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yet in this book poetry is the use of language to describe the beauty of one’s thoughts, in an unconventional way, however within the guidelines of poetic prose. Author / poet Bahador Ghahramani has achieved the conveyance of his thoughts in a highly skilled way within his collection of his realizations, titled My Epiphany.

All of his work consists of 4 lines of prose, set to an iambic foot without rhyme. Each poem, or epiphany as he calls them, brings to the minds of the readers a new thought, very original I might add, within a written humility and showing the utmost respect for the readers’ intelligence. The many themes of the verses deal with kindness, wisdom, fortitude to pursue one’s dreams, the love of his life, and his awe when witnessing a natural landscape or beach – among many others. They are chronologized using the Roman Numerals, affording me, in this case, a quick refresher to the ancient counting system, ending in CCXX (which is 220). Each epiphany needs time to pause, having the reader stop, think about it; perhaps share some personal thoughts to oneself how

the realization relates to his or her own life, and then move on to the next. In this fashion of the book’s galley text, the poems are hitting readers like a machine gun, all too quickly to simply read at one sitting. This is the type of book best to be read at many short opportunities, such as while waiting for a friend, or in the evening prior to going to bed. It can and should be picked up and read, started at any page, then placed down, to be opened again later to a new spot.

All poems are title-less, again only having the Roman Numeral as a reference. One in particular which I liked, because it took me outside my present location and into nature, is: “Bright moon graces the heavens /Silence is broken by calls of wilderness / Brisk wind hovers over hazy meadows /Symphony of whispering breeze soothes my senses” Living in the changing and somewhat uncertain times brought the following poem to my enjoying the epiphany: “If I could bet on the future / I bet on the magnificence of human spirit / If I could have a crystal ball to foresee the future / I seek a path to subliminal conscious thought.” On the topic of love, the wisdom within this poem was so powerful and true to my personal past experiences, which I am sure most readers have had similar experiences: “If it is love or hate, I choose love / Hate is too heavy a burden to carry / If it is hope or despair, I choose hope / Hope is my sanctuary to reach spirituality”

What a gift of wisdom Bahador Ghahramani has condensed in his collection. What are for him decades, or a lifetime of thoughts, are corralled and shepherded into the format of this amazing presentation. My Epiphany stands out from the masses of poetry books as being highly spiritual, educational, motivational and rich with philosophical gems of healthy thoughts. As a comb brings order to an unruly head of hair, these epiphanies bring order to the readers’ minds. Your imagination will be stirred as you take in each rhyme and non-rhyme about little slices of life, awareness, and self-discovery.

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