Title: Diunthum: Illumnesia
Author: Spector Grove
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6641-4371-5
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 241

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Pagan always believed he would be the insignificant stargazer who only dreamed of leaving Aumncydet. He would never have the courage to sneak into the forbidden adytum, the strength to topple a myriad, or the opportunity to befriend an enchanted guardian. His life consists of only the mask upon his face, the water dredged from the pits of decay, and the fact that the essence of life has all but abandoned the world. Pagan’s only friend is a middle-aged but exceptionally bright woman who bravely endures the daily wrath of the sun to deliver more than hope to her neighbors. In an empty and avaricious time, it is clear why Pagan’s most valuable possession is his name.
As destiny would have it, however, he happens to be the only one outside when an uninvited guest arrives in the night, allowing him to discover that the world is not at all what it seems. Together, they begin untangling the events of the past that will not only require great sacrifice but also reveal a long-forgotten promise. Swept away into the night, Pagan quickly realizes his insignificance in the world is actually, one of fate.

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