Title: The Spiritual and Mental Transformation
Author: Stanley Njoroge
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1984582100
Pages: 130
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel
Pacific Book Review
The ultimate goal of The Spiritual and Mental Transformation is to create an awareness of life which author Stanley Njoroge refers to as a journey that has a beginning and an end.
The material covered is aimed at Christians to provide them with a path that can help them discover how they can reach spiritual and mental maturity. The objective of The Spiritual and Mental Transformation is to help Christians achieve stronger spiritual and mental development while encouraging them to seek God’s purpose by providing with the various aspects that come with achieving transformation. The book addresses how to shape your mind, soul, and spirit with advice to deflect away from distraction and expresses the need for young Christians to obtain an infinite mind. Stanley Njoroge uses personal experience from his call to ministry as the basis for the guidance and spiritual advice found in the book.
Each chapter offers the hope of revolutionizing the reader to seek God’s purpose in their lives which creates a basis for methods to obtain transformation through preaching, a spiritual audience with God, healing, and teaching. The guidance offered in the book allows for ways to nurture, encourage, comfort, and urges others focus their lives in a spiritual sense. The book succeeds in creating a genuine guide for finding your path to creating a spiritual life with ways to nurture this growth through elements such as grace, knowledge, and ministry with each of these explored throughout. The focal point of the book is that of spiritual transformation and how to do so by obtaining a spiritual life that’s connected to the grace of God.
The need of salvation is at the root of transformation which Stanley Njoroge explores in depth by the teaching of a partnership between the Holy Spirit and yourself while being considered to be the foundation for which spiritual transformation comes from. The book breaks down the core values such as the importance of salvation, a balanced Christian life, and finding God in prayer, church, and the Bible. The purpose of the book is guide Christians and nurture their spiritual growth which succeeds in creating a resource for meditation over God’s word.
The Spiritual and Mental Transformation is ideal as a companion for Biblical study, and use in Sunday School classes. Several components are explored to explain transformation and creates a reflective tone that allows for you to meditate over the words. Faith is considered as one of the main ingredients to achieving this goal spirituality which the author describes as being a faith that can bring an individual to sanctification and joy in living a spiritual life.
The Spiritual and Mental Transformation includes a variety of spiritual topics such as worship, liturgy, public speaking, and prayer with each providing a new understanding for young Christians. The work of the people, or liturgy, is rooted in the book as a catalyst for what allows people to reshape and ground their inner selves under God’s word. A few strategies for spiritual transformation are offered such as worship music, public prayer, and confession of sin. The book creates an inclusive guide that allows for personal or church teachings opening the door for families to gather by learning how to come together in spirituality. The book also delves into the topics of prayer, God’s family, church, sacrament, faith, and principles such as forgiveness, love, kindness, and trust. These elements make The Spiritual and Mental Transformation both a Biblical companion and the perfect resource for church studies, a family resource, and a personal meditation.