Title: The Fourth Step – A Dream Sequence
Author: Al Lucas
Publisher: Lulu.com
Pages: 120
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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Growing up can be a difficult thing. Adulthood is often sought after by the young, especially teenagers, until they realize the immense pressure and stress that being an adult can have. Yet with age comes maturity, for most anyway, and finding maturity is a means of finding oneself in the process. As actress Angelina Jolie once said, “I do believe in the old saying, ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger.’ Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.”

In author Al Lucas’s The Fourth Step – A Dream Sequence, the author explores the misadventures and thoughts of antihero Paul Undres once more. In this narrative, the author explores Paul’s analysis of maturity, showing his recurring nonsense and witty dialogue amongst those who would listen to him while exploring the life Paul never knew he was missing out on when he dreams. The novel showcases Paul’s heavy back and forth inner-struggle with the world and reality itself after the struggle with tobacco nearly cost him his life, at least mentally, in the third book. From seeking to cause anarchy and chaos in the world on behalf of God, to dreaming of having children and finding his own inner masculinity in the face of confusion and doubt, the author explores the rolling thoughts of a man struggling with his own mental health and sobriety.

The way the author explores maturity and reality in this narrative from Paul’s perspective is truly inspired. Reeling from the explosive finale of the last novel, this latest entry into the series focuses on Paul’s downward spiral as his attitude towards humanity and the world takes a turn. From his early moments plotting the destruction of the world on orders from God, to his love/hate relationship with the members of his writing group, to even the focus on getting his manuscripts reworked and published, the character undergoes a series of transformative moments that take him personally on a whirlwind journey.

This is the perfect read for those that enjoy thought-provoking drama blended with witty characters and humorous writing that plays on serious subject matters. As a fan of the genre and character building, it was engaging to see the antihero Paul’s transcending growth throughout the narrative. The story, and the series overall, almost feel like representations of the five stages of grief at times, with this narrative delving into themes of anger and rage, as well as acceptance, as Paul comes to an understanding of his role in life and his journey thus far.

An entertaining, humorous, and heartfelt story of addiction recovery and character growth, author Al Lucas’s The Fourth Step – A Dream Sequence is a must-read novel and next entry into this growing series. A deep look into the evolution of an addict’s mind and the hidden beauty in a seemingly nonsensical stream of consciousness, the author wows readers with deep insights into the human mind and reality as a whole.

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