Title: Twist-a-Matic Theology: A Rebuttal From a Hebraic Perspective: Unraveling Long Forgotten Truths of the Scriptures
Author: Raymond Flowers
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1664191542
Pages: 218
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Twist-a-Matic Theology: A Rebuttal From a Hebraic Perspective: Unraveling Long Forgotten Truths of the Scriptures’ is a great book if you enjoy the topics of religion and theology in general. While reading this book, the reader gets exposed to a different world that they previously knew little about. The author extensively writes about religion, breaking down the chapters into interesting and vital topics which all believers should read about. Raymond Flowers is not your average author. He knows how to write in a captivating way and to get the readers’ attention quickly. I immensely enjoyed reading this book because it went more in depth than I have ever went in a religion class.

Twist-a-Matic Theology has 3 sections which talk about various doctrines and the modern Sabbath. I particularly liked the first chapters of the book as they give me an idea of what the author was about to discuss. Raymond Flowers is a great author because one is able to follow his thoughts and processes with ease. One of the topics I

found to be most fascinating was about the Hebrew Mindset. It is the first topic in the book and helps the reader understand the scripture and following laws; there is a lot of fascinating history to be learned.

Once you start reading this book you will never stop. The urge to keep reading follows you as you flip every new page. Raymond Flowers not only uses historical references, but also facts when explaining his point. I never knew that reading about theology would be so fascinating prior to reading this book. As a reader, you not only enjoy the content in every chapter, but also the style of writing the author used. His language is modest and the tone applied in the book inviting. When introducing a new topic, the author gives a little background information before proceeding to discuss the topic in depth.

By reading this book, you let yourself know the truth and understand God better. I applaud Raymond Flowers for the excellent research he did, and how he analyses subjects. The author is objective and one can tell that he enjoyed writing this book. His writing is diverse and one can only appreciate the uniformity applied in every section of the book. Reading this book is easy and enjoyable.

My favorite chapters are in the first section of the book, the chapter on the Hebrew Mindset and the chapter on covenant Jurisdiction. I was impressed reading about Torah Written on Our Hearts in the second section, and really enjoyed the content about what the Revelation says on keeping Torah and the topic of Paul preaching on circumcision. Every topic had elements which I loved. I recommend Twist-a-Matic Theology to readers who enjoy easy and enlightening reads and want to know more about God, the Bible, and the nations mentioned in the Bible.

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