Title: Chambers of the Heart: speculative stories
Author: B. Morris Allen
Publisher: Plant Based Press
ISBN: 978-1640765207
Pages: 254
Genre: Fantasy Anthologies / Science Fiction Anthologies / Literary Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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No matter how many times we turn to scientific evidence or spiritual belief, the most crucial and important aspects of our lives always come down to what is in our hearts. The heart is both literally and figuratively the thing that keeps us alive, pouring our emotions and feelings outwards and defining the important moments and people in our lives. As Marcus Aurelius once said, “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”

In author B. Morris Allen’s Chambers of the Heart: speculative stories, the author brings together a collection of short speculative stories which delve into the realms of fantasy and sci-fi to answer some of life’s toughest questions. From the struggles with despair and loneliness to the fight for survival and how to conquer the raw pain of loss, each story tells a different yet familiar story in which readers can really sink their teeth into. From watching someone you love literally falling away from you to a father’s wish to see his son smile one last time, each story will both entertain and keep readers thinking about the grand stage of life which we all must face.

The author did such an amazing job of crafting stories that balanced out emotional character growth with thought-provoking narratives. What really struck a chord as far as the author’s writing goes was the almost harmonic nature of the writing with the genres each story took on and the emotional beats of those stories. From more whimsical and fantasy driven narratives to gothic horror tones and more, the writing really felt lyrical in its approach to the story, and each story’s featured characters were the chorus of the symphony of emotions that the author subtly delved into, creating a truly moving collection of speculative fiction.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy speculative fiction, especially those that enjoy speculative fiction that delves into the realms of sci-fi, fantasy, gothic horror and an almost poetic style of writing, all contained within a short story collection. As a fan of these genres, I loved getting lost in these fictitious worlds while also feeling moved by the authors words and the strong emotional beats that each story featured.

Hauntingly beautiful, engaging, and thoughtful in its approach, author B. Morris Allen’s Chambers of the Heart: speculative stories is a must-read short story collection of 2022. Thought-provoking narratives which challenge the readers understanding of reality and the emotional character traits to keep the reader invested in each story make this a one-of-a-kind collection that comes along once in a great while.

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