Title: Chambers of the Heart: speculative stories
Author: B. Morris Allen
Publisher: Plant Based Press
ISBN: 978-1640765207
Pages: 254
Genre: Fantasy Anthologies / Science Fiction Anthologies / Literary Fiction

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A heart that’s a building, a dog that’s a program, a woman who’s sinking irretrievably – stories about love, loss, and motion. A collection of speculative stories from author and editor B. Morris Allen.

About the Author

B. Morris Allen is a biochemist turned activist turned lawyer turned foreign aid consultant, and frequently wonders whether it’s time for a new career. He’s been traveling since birth, and has lived on five of seven continents. When he can, he makes his home on the Oregon coast. In between journeys, he edits Metaphorosis magazine, and works on his own speculative stories of love and disaster. His dark fantasy novel Susurrus came out in 2017.

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