Title: Gilded Prisons
Author: Linda Gould
Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 979-8742818762
Pages: 255
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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One of the most difficult things to do in this life is find a means of overcoming the trauma which we face in life. No matter the degree or range of the trauma endured, that trauma has a way of affecting one’s mind and psyche overall, from the loss of a loved one to being imprisoned or being the victim of a crime. These, and so many other events, can leave a lasting scar which takes years to learn to live with and come to grips with. As Alex Lifeson once said, “The shock of any trauma, I think changes your life. It’s more acute in the beginning and after a little time you settle back to what you were. However, it leaves an indelible mark on your psyche.”

In author Linda Gould’s Gilded Prisons, the subject of trauma is looked at through the eyes of a young MLB player, who’s rise to fame catches the attention of another. During the mid-point of his successful career, Justin Moore finds himself kidnapped, a plot that originated in Cuba by the ex-wife of a Cuban American baseball player, and rampant political issues keep him imprisoned for weeks. The trauma that follows both during and after take center stage, as he and his wife must navigate the treacherous road to recovery and find a way of adjusting to their new reality in the face of that trauma.

This is a layered, emotional, and thought-provoking thriller. The mystery and drama that the narrative’s synopsis promised was felt immediately, from the shocking moments of the protagonist’s kidnapping to the painful weeks spent imprisoned in another country and the fight to return to his life. The way the author was able to incorporate multiple POVs into each chapter was brilliant in its delivery, as it allowed readers to get multiple perspectives on the situation unfolding and see how the kidnapping affected not only Justine but his wife and family overall. The complex psychological effects this type of trauma can have been expertly woven into the narrative, as were the complex moral issues that he faced, allowing readers the chance to really examine and think about these issues from a philosophical standpoint.

The author crafted such a fantastic story which is the perfect novel for those who enjoy literature and fiction, especially those that enjoy a good balance of romance, political intrigue, action and adventure, mysteries, and of course a good thriller. The backdrop of Major League Baseball and the back-and-forth struggles between the US and Cuba over the years was a great way of setting the tone of this narrative, and made the story much more engaging.

Entertaining, adrenaline-fueled, and nerve-wracking in its delivery of the mystery, author Linda Gould’s Gilded Prisons is a must-read novel. The fast-paced narrative really allows the reader to dive into the political and international settings and tone of the novel, and the personal nature of the character’s struggles in this book did a wonderful job of paying close attention to the physical and mental scars that trauma can leave on a person, and the pursuit that must be made to find a way of overcoming or handling those scars on a daily basis.

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