Title: Gilded Prisons
Author: Linda Gould
Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 979-8742818762
Pages: 255
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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Major League ballplayer Justin Moore is blessed with dazzling good looks, popularity in the community, a lovely wife and family, and only a few hiccups in his past. At mid-career he is hitting his stride, both personally and professionally. Then a kidnapping plot originating in Cuba, and concocted by Guadalupe, the embittered ex-wife of a Cuban-American ballplayer, blasts everything to pieces. Justin’s long weeks of captivity are complicated by numerous political issues between the two countries, which add to his peril. He can see no way out that won’t potentially lead to his death. What will it take for Justin, and his grief-stricken but determined wife April, to recover their formerly happy, privileged, and rather complacent lives? Is it even possible to get past such a trauma? The one-time golden couple of baseball must adjust to a new reality that seems unthinkable at first, but gradually comes into focus.

About the Author

I’m a career bureaucrat working in Washington, DC. I write chicklit novels with a social satire and/or political twist.

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