Title: Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science
Author: Gary C. Hassmann, M.D.
Publisher: Harper Partners
ISBN: 978-1973629603
Pages: 324
Genre: History of Christianity / Christian Church History / Christian Spiritual Growth
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
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Whether we intend to or not, there are always choices in our lives we wish we could take back. Choices that led to someone else’s downfall or detriment, and the need to seek redemption for that wrong becomes a stronger and stronger urge as time goes on. As Kristin Armstrong once said, “I write about the power of trying, because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I know sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful – for all of it.”
In author Gary C. Haussmann, M.D.’s Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science, the author uses years of experience in the medical field to explore the death of Jesus Christ. Despite a general knowledge of Jesus’s death in the crucifixion, many people have sought answers as to what exactly happened medically to the son of God. Using expertise in medicine, along with medical research, scriptural studies, and even pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Rome, the author shoes readers a fascinating theory regarding the death of Jesus Christ, and gain a better understanding of God’s prophetic messages along the way.
The amount of time and effort that went into the author’s work was apparent from the very first page. The personal and professional balance which was brought into this book was so seamless in its delivery, as the author showcased both his personal experiences and expertise in the field of medicine and faith, as well as the scriptural studies and scientific data that could help illustrate the author’s experiences in their entirety. The concept of understanding, on a scientific level, the pain and sacrifice that Jesus made for the world (according to Christian faith) was such a unique and engaging concept to explore in this non-fiction read, and the author did a great job of finding a cohesive and illustrative way of bringing this study to life on the pages of this book.
This is the absolute best read for those who enjoy non-fiction writing, especially those who enjoy Christian History and spiritual growth studies combining both faith and scientific medical studies. As a fan of history in general, I was fascinated with the author’s in-depth analysis of all known facts regarding the death of Jesus Christ, whether you believe him to be a man or the son of God, and the way this allows faith-based readers to feel more connected to Jesus as a whole, is something a lot of readers are going to be able to relate to.
Thought-provoking, captivating, and enlightening, author Gary C. Haussmann, M.D.’s Blood and Water: Solving the Mystery of How Jesus Died by Scripture and Medical Science is a must-read nonfiction and Christian Church History read. The experiences and expertise the author writes his book from shows an equal balance of science and faith which both non-believers and believers alike will be able to appreciate, and the passion for which the author comes from in his work is an inspiration to many who seek to understand the work of Jesus in a much more intimate and personal way.