Title: Trailblazing Thru Milestones 1921
Author: Claude C. Prowell
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6641-8149-6
Pages: 54
Genre: Memoir
In October of 1921, Claude Prowell had a dream, a map and a motorcycle that “would go anywhere.” So at 19 years of age, Claude left his father’s home to “go West and see it all.” His solo journey began in Wilson County, east of Nashville, Tennessee. He decided to travel the southwest route to Los Angeles, California and arrived 32 days later. There he would live for 6 months before he continued his travels to the north. He traded his Indian Motorcycle for a new form of transportation, a Ford Model T, which he then customized for his travels. Claude returned home one year later filled with lessons learned and unforgettable experiences. He had traveled over 10,000 miles thru 16 states and 2 Canadian provinces. This untold odyssey was hand written by Claude in 1971 and discovered in the family safe 31 years after his death.
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