Title: The Shortest Leap: The Rational Underpinnings of Faith in Jesus
Author: A.L. Van Den Herik
Publisher: Wordhouse Book Publishing
ISBN: 978-1973689805
Genre: Christian Books & Bibles / Theology
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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One of the biggest aspects of a person’s “faith” has to be how much of a leap they are willing to take in order to accept the beliefs which are often accompanied with these faiths. We live in a modern world in which the question of faith often clashes with scientific pursuits and evidence, and yet as time goes on, so many people are looking to both avenues to help understand the complexities life has to offer. The balance that people need between their scientific evidence and the faith they are instilled with is something so highly sought after, and as Ralph Marston once said, “The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.”

In author A.L. Van Den Herik’s The Shortest Leap: The Rational Underpinnings of Faith in Jesus, the author takes readers on a historical and scientific aspects of the Christian Faith. The comprehensive theological study brings readers a scientific approach to the Christian ideology, showcasing both the faith itself and the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence to back up the faith. The author also takes the time to go through some of the questions and concerns which many atheists and non-believers have when it comes to the Bible, from whether or not Jesus was a real man or a myth, to the question of whether or not the Old Testament is still a relevant portion of the book to consider.

The author did an incredible job of presenting a well-researched, captivating, and thought-provoking read. The intense study and enriching research the author provided gives readers a sense of the scholarly pursuits to understand the Biblical text. The evidence the author lays out is very straightforward and does an excellent job of presenting the facts while also acknowledging the unknowable and uncertain gaps in the information these biblical texts hold onto.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy comprehensive, scholarly and theological reads on Biblical texts. It is also a unique read for nonbelievers alike, as it helps strike up a conversations between both parties and allows for some deep and critical thinking and discussion between these two opposing sides of the concept of faith. The author’s unique writing style showcased a more international, worldly profile that sheds a lot of Western misconceptions.

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