Title: Sisterhood: The Bonds of Sisterhood Book 2
Author: William Dance
Publisher: Quantum Discovery
ISBN: 978-1733998109
Pages: 315
Genre: Women’s Fiction / Romance
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

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Sisterhood: The Bonds of Sisterhood Book 2 by author William Dance depicts an odyssey of love, friendship, commitment, harmony, and triumph.

Sailing on a grandiloquent cruise ship, Cashmere, Tammy and Stephanie can’t believe they made it after two years of expectation, planning, and anticipation. Set to fluster clients with class and elegance, the Diamond Line vessel stands loaded with out-of-the-world fun and activity, dazzling entertainment, as well as exquisite meals. It’s the perfect getaway for the trio. An atmosphere of bliss and flair hits readers as the author brings the voyage alive through explicit storytelling, description, and narration.

A message from Cashmere’s little sister Ingrid is about to rock the team’s hopes of enjoying the trip together, as she is fighting for her life and that of her unborn child back in Virginia. A cloud of pain, maudlin self-pity, worry, and apprehension suddenly hangs in the atmosphere and the future is no longer as predictable as they thought. This is a time that greatly tests their sisterhood bond.

Readers are drawn to the dedication and devotion the characters express to each other through myriad calls, messages, and hangouts. As is famously said, a woman living an isolated life with no support tends to wither with her problems. The author can convince readers that relationships are important to both human emotional and mental well-being. Individualism is not just impossible; It is a myth.

Dance poses a striking storytelling technique that uniquely captivates his audience. He paints surreal mental images through easy-to-understand descriptive words and language, aiding readers to visualize the action more easily and clearly. He also backs up his work with shattering suspense and emotions, keeping readers invested in the story from start to finish.

Sisterhood: The Bonds of Sisterhood Book 2 by William Dance incorporates new dynamic characters full of charisma and presence in a way which introduces freshness and potency, without diverting from the main theme and plot. The text cumulatively teaches significant life lessons in such a flawless manner leaving readers mesmerized and immersed all throughout his true finesse of storytelling. Great work, Mr. Dance!

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