Title: Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds
Author: Hildegard Bonacker Bruni
Publisher: Hildegard Bruni Publishing
ISBN: 978-1958920848
Pages: 570
Genre: Memoir
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.
Pacific Book Review
Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds is an intricate tale of author Hildegard Bonacker Bruni’s family’s exultant journey through both World War I and II, and how counting on God’s unfailing mercies saw them elude threats, sufferings, starvation, misfortunes, misery, dismays, and diseases.
Growing up in a post-war–destroyed Germany presented Bruni’s family with many problems, and getting a schooling was difficult because of a teachers and school facilities deficit. By God’s grace, she graduated from a medical college as a commercial and practical doctor’s assistant, and later get married to Dr. Aldo Bruni, a supportive gentleman with whom she would experience a life of profound joy and happiness.
Readers will find her narration meticulous with historical and political data regarding her ancestral background, Prussia. She is careful to reveal how the country became a haven for persecuted religious as well as political individuals, and how it finally came to naught after the horrific World War I that claimed ten million lives, wounding twenty million soldiers, and eight million persons becoming prisoners of war. She has also shared her encounters in different locations as well as the heartbreaking season of losing her dear husband, shortly after which she resumed researching and writing of this book.
This is a text that powerfully motivates comfort and encouragement to people going through difficult moments, as a means through which we can heal our own griefs and mental hurts. It is a book that also brings to light many chronological falsehoods which have been handed over the years, and through which many villains have been celebrated as heroes. Readers will not fail to notice the author’s devotion towards truth, formulation of notable decency and harboring of absolute trust in God as the authentic pattern that leads to a safe and triumphant life. It is indeed a read that will see her audience anticipate for the fulfilment of promises by God, as well as his dependability when everything else fails.
Overall, Gone with the World Wars: God’s Love Heals All Wounds discloses the unfathomable effects of war, as well as ably affecting a thankful attitude through its priceless content. It is a text worthy reading for both Christians and non-Christians, and one whose lessons will take years to forget. I highly recommend this book!