Title: The Secret Life of Bears
Author: Joann Slead
Illustrator: Mohamed Daamouche
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6698-5596-5
Pages: 32
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book / Christianity
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
Pacific Book Review
“Psst! Do you want to know a secret?” So begins the opening of a story laden with illustrations depicting a relationship between a young bear and his father bear. Not the terrifying bears which roam the forest wreaking havoc on hikers, but the teddy bear types; cute, furry, kind, and most of all stuffed with love.
Readers are shown a tale of the best dad-bear ever! A big bear who spends every waking moment with his child bear. They bake cookies together, go on adventures outdoors together, sometimes roll in the grass laughing, even talking about the truth about many things. At all times the companionship and love become the theme of the endeavors of these two bears spending every moment together in safety, peace and love.
A small clue to the secret comes in the middle of the story when the bears are outside in a field, and the narration of the story says that the dad-bear made all of the creatures, both small and large, who live in the outdoors. This hints to what is to be revealed at the end of the book.
With page after page of artistic pictures of the bears enjoying their days together, readers are lulled into a place within their imagination of, frankly, a heavenly space. Even a minor boo-boo gets a band-aid and isn’t an issue because of the caring the dad- bear has for his little one. The personified bears wear a Tee-shirt with the words “Team Bears” on them, indicating they are a part of a larger group.
Then comes the reveal. The dad isn’t a bear at all, but he is Jesus. Only Jesus can be with you all of the time, show unconditional love, and provide comfort and companionship throughout every day. The ending picture is of Jesus, cloaked in a robe with his hands outstretched and love in his expression.
Author Joann Slead has created a Christian teaching book for youngsters with the message of Jesus, but disguised as a cuddly teddy bear type to become easily understood by the curious minds of children. This is a brilliant way of teaching all of the aspects of having Jesus in one’s life; as seen through the eyes of a little child-bear. The Secret Life of Bears can be enjoyed over-and-over, even knowing the secret, the examples of having adventurous fun prevails – all within the realm of Jesus’ love.