Title: John 3:16.5: The Rest of the Story: A Practical Guide into Reading the Bible and Understanding Christianity
Author: Wally Gonzales Jr.
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing
ISBN: 979-8-88751-450-5
Pages: 124
Genre: Christian Family & Relationships
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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There are many faiths shared around the world. From the cultures and mythologies which were once held as faith for those in Ancient Greece or Ancient Egypt, to the more modern practices of Judaism, Islam and more, religion has been one of the cornerstones of human civilization for as long as humanity can remember. The one faith which has become a staple of many cultures around the world is Christianity, and those who choose to believe in this system do so by following the tenents set forth in the Bible.

In author Wally Gonzales Jr.’s John 3:16.5: The Rest of the Story: A Practical Guide into Reading the Bible and Understanding Christianity, the author helps solidify the readers’ understanding of core moments within the Bible by gathering together the pieces of scripture which support those stories. From the death of Jesus Christ to the mission that John the Baptist set out on, the author gathers a multitude of different verses from different books in the Bible to help illustrate the lessons and experiences these moments were meant to have on the Christian faithful.

The author did an amazing job of crafting a book which is both educational and moving. The attention to detail the author had for each passage and every verse to support the pivotal moments from the Bible, from the temptation Jesus faced against the Devil during his fast, to the way in which his ministry came together and the disciples found their way to him, each step along the journey showcased the meaning and lessons that readers are meant to take away from these verses.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy religious non-fiction books, especially those who enjoy educational Christian books which hone in on family, love, and faith – all in the same book. The thoughtfulness and care the author paid to each chapter, and the way the author was able to provide commentary and give insight into each chapter’s purpose was a great way of adding an interactive component to the book, allowing readers to put in the work themselves to understand and conceptualize the message of these chapters.

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