Title: Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!: Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!
Author: Charlie Liebert
Publisher: Independently published
ISBN: 978-1982901417
Pages: 202
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewer: Aaron Washington

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The creation vs. evolution theories will always generate disagreements. The gripping truth, however, is those who believe in either theory are confident their belief is the true one. Multiple scholars, historians, and authors have vastly written about the two, giving their points of view based on the truths they know, their experiences, and the environment they grew up in. In Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!: Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!, author Charlie Liebert writes about the two theories, primarily focusing on the theory of evolution and how unfounded it is.  Has Darwin’s theory of evolution fulfilled every scientific decree? Charlie Liebert illustrates how the evolution theory may not be as accurate as many presume, based on science alone.

Charlie Liebert uses three arguments to expound on his content; Magic, Frankenstein, and Uphill Molasses. It is intriguing how valid every argument is, and how clear the author makes them out to be. I like how Charlie Liebert explains the magic argument for instance. Just like a magician pulls stunts out of nowhere, evolution seems to have appeared out of nowhere. The author writes in detail why the evolution theory is like a vacuum. The argument on Frankenstein is even more fascinating, especially for readers who have read the famous Mary Shelley novel. The third argument on Uphill molasses is mind-blowing. The first question every reader asks is ‘Does molasses travel uphill?’, the answer to this question opens a new argument, which the author discusses in depth. Charlie Libert explains modestly and simply why atheistic evolution is impossible, giving even the skeptics sufficient answers. When reading, you realize that every argument is rational. Charlie Liebert covers every critical area in science and is analytical when disseminating his observations.

The three arguments in this book are not the only interesting thing. Charlie Liebert also discusses the impact of evolution theory on society. How has it affected culture? Have the half-truths paraded altered the mindset of the masses? The author also discusses subjects like nature, scientific laws, biology, atheism, and evangelism. Every topic is comprehensively discussed. My favorite feature about Charlie Liebert’s content is how he shows the reader how to interpret information. Be it evidence, a theory, a scholarly work, or just research, the author shares with the reader methods of how to decode data and read information.

Every reader who gets their hands on this book will appreciate Charlie Liebert for the various topics. Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!: Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE! is the book you need if you ever have questions about evolution. The author demonstrates his reasons in a transparent, intelligent, and non-technical manner. The refreshing views, data based on scientific facts, and cordial language made the reading pleasant. This book may seem controversial to some, but it is an eye-opening and overall great read.

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