Title: One Bright Ring
Author: Gretchen Géser
Publisher: Authors Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1-962859-60-8
Pages: 31
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Reviewer: Beth Adams

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Pacific Book Review

Author Gretchen Géser has created an award-winning illustrated children’s book with her title, One Bright Ring.  Readers follow a storyboard of wonderful illustrations with a brief-yet-poignant narrative accompanying the artwork bringing to life an adventure, challenges, and an ultimate happily-ever-after ending of a little girl who sees an engagement diamond ring fall out of a small hole in a gentleman’s pocket.  She picks up the ring and then is on a quest to return it to the man when obstacles block her from catching up to the gentleman.  Ultimately, she finds the man in a park, holding flowers, on one knee, proposing to his fiancée. But when the man reaches into his pocket, he discovers the ring is missing!  So, the little girl cleverly drops the ring in front of the man from behind the bushes, and the moment is saved, and the proposal is completed.

Although a short book with little text, the pictures and the overall layout of this book are “best-in-class.”  Each of the illustrations carry the story forward by showing the movement of the characters, the chaos of the situations, the emotional stress of the gentleman, and the fun of a rather silly situation of having the little girl find the man who inadvertently dropped his engagement ring.  Even the ring bouncing shows movement and is a focal point of the story.

Children reading this book, or perhaps being read this story by a parent, will gaze over the pictures; creating a combination of having the images and the story text formulate a most enjoyable and memorable story in their minds.  In fact, as Gretchen Géser brings the climax of the gentleman actually finding the ring during his emotional state of stress, having believed he lost the ring, with the little girl remaining hidden behind the bushes, shows the making of a “miracle” – as viewed by the man, but revealed to the readers.  This gives the children an “inside look” as to how a good deed can be perceived by others as being a miracle.

One Bright Ring simply is a book not to be overlooked.  The hardcover printed version will adorn all family’s libraries with young children making it easy for the youngsters to pick up and page this remarkable book.  It may also teach them a lesson; that is when they get older and propose to their fiancée, be sure to check your pocket for holes!


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