Title: Seed of Simon
Author: Michael Goings
Publisher: Glasslink Solutions
ISBN: 978-1088087190
Pages: 448
Genre: Religious Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Seed of Simon by author Michael Goings is a captivating exploration of faith, history, and self-discovery. It follows Rafael Smith who has recurring dreams which confuses him and leads him down a path of inquiry. Rarely does God speak to humans clearly and in certain terms. The same is true of Rafael’s journey toward discovering the truth about himself and his heritage, as well as about God himself. He owes it to himself and to future generations to unravel the message God is trying to communicate.

Author Michael Goings has woven a tale which combines history with the contemporary world in a way that fits everything together perfectly. As Rafael confronts his beliefs, you will find yourself doing the same; perhaps wondering about the times God spoke to you and auditing your own beliefs. The author paces the book just right, allowing the reader to slow down when it becomes a little heavy then accelerating things when need be. There is never a lull through which boredom can creep in. He maintains the intensity of the story throughout and keeps you engaged by providing a dynamic narrative to hold on to.

One of the biggest markers of a good book is having characters the reader feels as if they can relate to. The character development in Seed of Simon is well executed. Rafael, for example, is not simply a man who dreams. He is a well-rounded individual whose introduction to the reader makes him real and human. He has been described and portrayed in a way that not only encourages you to root for him but also pushes you to develop curiosity about him. The same cautious and attentive craft is observed even in developing supporting characters. Good characters enrich a story. In this case, it makes the book that much more enjoyable.

Good character development and Goings’ writing style create a very evocative and immersive literary experience. Your imagination will be captured and fully engaged. You will enjoy the emotional depth. The scenes are set with as much detail as the characters with powerful images that put you center stage engaging all your senses. The author highlights themes including suffering and redemption, which are peppered enough to provoke reflection, but not so much that they overwhelm the story.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths is its ability to make historical events relevant and compelling to modern readers. The vivid dream sequences and Rafael’s subsequent quest for answers create a narrative which is both educational and emotionally engaging. His journey of self-discovery and ultimate acceptance of his heritage was particularly moving and left a lasting impression upon me.

Although the transitions between the dream sequences and Rafael’s daily life felt abrupt in some instances, this book will still resonate with anyone who gives it the attention it deserves. Michael Goings’ masterful presentation of history, faith, and personal discovery will challenge you and delight you at the same time. Seed of Simon is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good story and is ready for a ride.

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