Title: Yellowstone’s Child
Author: Charles W. Liebert
Publisher: KDP
ISBN: 978-1080590445
Pages: 247
Genre: Mystery

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Yellowstone’s Child’s main theme is personal identity, how one answers the question, “Who am I?” The story begins when a married couple, Sam and Gloria Graham, chicken farmers from Mississippi, lose their 10-year-old daughter, Sally, to brain cancer. After her death, they plan to sell their Mississippi farm and to move to Nebraska. Before selling, to help recover from their daughter Sally’s death; they take a short vacation in February at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. At the same time, at Yellowstone, three cousins from the Johanson family reunion fall into a river partially fed by hot springs. Two get right out but the third, Sarah, hits her head and floats away downstream on her back. The Grahams rescue her from the river and discover she has complete amnesia so, they kidnap her and take her back to Mississippi to replace their dead daughter, Sally. Park Rangers and Sarah’s family search the river in Yellowstone but recover no body. Sarah is eventually declared dead by the local coroner.

After returning to Mississippi with the new Sally (Sarah Johanson) the Grahams inherit significant wealth, move to Nebraska, change their identities and move again to Ventura CA as Sam, Gloria, and Sally Johnson. Sarah, now Sally, still with complete amnesia, enters an all-girls private school that specializes in preparing girls for careers in movies and TV. She starts in 6th grade at Ventura Private School for Girls and graduates 7 years later. During each school year, 6th through 12th, another secret about her identity develops that has to be kept by her and/or her parents. After graduating from VPSG she earns a BA in Music, Theater, and Dance from Cal State. Two years later, about to finish her Masters, she has an auto accident, bumps her head. Her memory of her life before she was 10 returns realizing she is not whom she thought she was. The question: “Who am I?” sets her on a mission to find an answer.

After graduating, she tries her ability in the New York theater stage unsuccessfully and returns to California to try TV or movies. Then she obtains a starring role in the TV series DETECTIVES LIVE as Detective Elaine Scott.
She confronts her “parents”; they admit to kidnapping her and she continues to search for her real identity. She asks, “Who am I? Sarah, Sally, or Elaine. Johanson, Graham, Johnson, or Detective Scott.” She concludes, NO she’s really Yellowstone’s Child.

If this story were a movie it would be rated “G” and is suitable for teens. It’s a GREAT read and doesn’t take long. Readers complain that they weren’t able to put it down once they got to Yellowstone National Park.
One of my first readers complained: “Yellowstone’s Child made me cry five times, twice for sadness, and three times for joy.” It contains a time line and a list of characters.

About the Author

Charlie writes in fiction, nonfiction, and Christian genres. Widely diverse career in the Chemical industry for 33 years, and 22 years in Education at all levels, including Grammar, Middle, High School and College. He and his wife Terry have two children and 8 grandchildren. Born in Amityville, NY; lived 43 years in Greensboro, NC; now in Carlisle, PA.

I have an AAS, BS, in Chemistry, and an MBA in Marketing. I spent 33 years in industry and retired in 1994. Since 1994, I produced a weekly one-hour TV show of workshops and seminars, 1995-2005, in Greensboro, NC
Served as a founding Board member of Caldwell Community Christian Academy, a “Classical Christian School.” (1995-1998)

Taught science and Bible at Caldwell Academy. (1998-2001)

Led workshops and Seminars for Ken Ham’s ministry “Answers in Genesis” (1997-1999)

Taught business courses at Davidson community college for 15 years (2004-2019)

From 1995 to 2107 I had my own company that sold books and videos in the home school market
In 2102 I began serious work to become an author. Yellowstone’s Child is my first venture into fiction.
By early 2021 he authored and published fourteen paperbacks and sixteen eBooks Indie Publishing: Charlie’s helped six other authors publish seven Paperbacks and four eBooks for sale on Amazon

See. http://www.sixdaycreation.com for Charlie’s books

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