Title: Mountain of Secrets: A Legacy Thriller
Author: Darcy McDaniel 
Publisher: Sinlahekin Publishing LLC
ISBN: 979-8990528208
Pages: 239
Genre: Thriller, Western
Reviewed by: Reyan Boris Mishra

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A successful thriller is one that leaves you connecting the dots days after you have finished reading. The book in question belongs to that category. Mountain of Secrets is a mazy tale of family, feuds, retribution, and resolution. With a theme that lies at the intersection of dark mysteries, legacies, and revenge, the story takes you to the depths of the crookedness of human nature. 

Set in Western Wyoming, Mountain of Secrets introduces you to the mysterious LaRaes. Ruth looks after her younger siblings and maintains the ranch. However, the already jittery family is soon struck into turmoil when enemies with vengeance on their minds start popping up. As they try to cope with the adversities, the family uncovers dark family secrets and a deadly history marked by ferocious enmity. 

Dangers abound as enemies motivated by the pain of ages-old wounds wage a vendetta against them. Will the family give in? Will the relationships break in the face of adversity and constant danger? Or will they find a way to fight back and put down enemies? You have to read to find out.  

The author Darcy McDaniel creates an atmosphere so grave and captivatingly mysterious that you wouldn’t want to get out of the ‘Mountains’ until all the secrets are uncovered. The vivid description of the surroundings creates a solid mental imagery that is dark, devious, and so truly West in its essence. The characters are well-developed and offer curious depth. Such gripping is the plot and writing style, you don’t feel lost at any point throughout the story even though it is over 200 pages long. 

If you are big on intense thrillers, Mountain of Secrets is a must-read for you. The book has got the perfect chilling temperature with elements of suspense, mystery, and resilience to keep you impatient until the final page. One more thing, it’s intense. It’s no dramatic thriller where the writer’s thrust is scattered on different unrelated events taking place throughout the story. Instead, in this case, there is no space for drama or relief, the characters are guided by clear motives, and they are willing to go to any length in order to do what’s on their minds. The subtitle of the book “One family. One ranch. Many secrets” highlights the same. Simply put, you are in for a great reading experience that’s going to heighten your love for thriller books like never before.  

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