Title: Words from the Maestro
Author: Joyce H. Hynes
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1663228987
Pages: 164
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Words from the Maestro is a stimulating book which every lover of music and art in general will appreciate. Author Joyce H. Hynes is fantastic with the pen, writing in an alluring style, using appealing phrases and terms. The first noticeable feature in this book are the drawings at the beginning of every chapter. The drawings are not only engaging, but they also add a little sauce to the writing. The titles of the chapters were also a creative move, as the rhyming words bring this excellent assonance especially when reading the title chapters out loud. Reading Words from the Maestro is like reading musical notes. The harmony in the words, the incredible narration, and the sweet tales that enlighten the reader about musical terms and the nature of musical institutions are some of the best elements about this book.

Welcome to a world of music. In Words from the Maestro, we follow the stories of students, staff and shareholders in Abington Academy. The school is run by Mr. Elmer Ensemble Elk, who is almost always argumentative, sometimes grumpy, but overall interesting to be around. Abington Academy is a high-end music school. It is every music lover’s dream school as one can find every resource, inspiration, and instruments to fulfill their musical dream. What makes this story interesting is that the students in Abington Academy are animals. They are named alphabetically, and to make it even more interesting, they have been given musical instruments that match with their alphabetical names. Who wouldn’t love the sound of a name like Elephant, Eddie Etude, Zarzuekla Zebra, Melody Meerkat –Maraccas, Glissando Gorilla, or Ionian Iguana?

Reading about music, the preparations that take place before a major event, the attachment that music creates, and the different characters every music lover has was thrilling. Mr. Elmer Ensemble Elk’s character was the most intriguing, mostly because of his nonchalant nature to things that matter. The reader marvels at the director’s ability to engage in activities like watching tv, while there is an important music event upcoming. That not being enough, the director though brutally honest, does not know how to hold conversations with others. Diplomacy to Mr. Elk, and in his mind, discourtesy reigns. Apart from Mr. Elmer Ensemble Elk, other characters that the reader will enjoy reading about include the Fox, Crocodile, Tiger, and Hippo.

Joyce H. Hynes’s elevated sense of humor is the magic that makes this book a wonderful read. As a reader, you find yourself chuckling after every few pages. The comical phrases, inside jokes, and the funny one-liners were amusing. I also appreciate the author for the similes and metaphors which added aesthetics to the writing. The figures of speech were notably brilliant, especially for young readers that are still expanding their vocabulary.

Words with the Maestro is an excellent read for people that enjoy feel-good stories, music, and animal fiction tales. The writing is nothing but impeccable, and Joyce H. Hynes is a writing genius.  It is a book that encourages growth, reflection, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

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