Title: Infinite Exposure
Author: Roland Hughes
Publisher: Logikal Solutions
ISBN: 0977086690
Pages: 471, Paperback
Genre: Fiction/Techno Thrillers

Reviewed by: Gary Sorkin, Pacific Book Review

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Book Review

Roland Hughes interlaces true events along with historical insight, then blends in his unique twist of imagination, and emerges with a synergistically explosive novel of suspense in his creation of Infinite Exposure.

Written with a discerning view of world events, Roland Hughes takes poetic license to the use of real names, corporations and historical events, then builds upon the foundation of the world as we know it, and brings forth a new world with future events of immeasurable consequences. Resulting from our short-sightedness, our greed, and our ignorance as to how to protect the technological life we all have grown so dependent upon, al-Qaeda takes out the very fabric of our life. The fault is ours.

Set in the current day, referencing events post 9/11 and progressing to the not-too-distant future, Roland Hughes slaps society in the face showing the stupidity, the recklessness and the unwillingness to change our ways in time to prevent the darkest of events from occurring. His characters are pawns to the global manipulation of money, politics and corporate ineptitude which plagues this planet.

What Thomas L. Friedman has discussed about outsourcing of multi-national corporations in his work entitled, The World Is Flat series of publications, Roland Hughes lights the fuse on the worse case scenario. The brilliance of Hughes is to go beneath the circumstances with his character development, and penetrate the minds, answering the “why” all of this has happened. He describes the “under the radar” workings of al-Qaeda and how even a “good Muslim” can succumb to become manipulated. He shows how high-priced consulting firms demonstrate their excellence in spending money without providing results, and how upper management endorses such behavior rather than admitting “they” made a bad purchase of outside services. His fascinating sequence of events take the reader to an end in which only can be foreshadowed as more than a true possibility – a likely threat, a clear and present danger.

Highly technical with respect to computer technology, Roland Hughes is comfortable with the use of his industry vernacular, which may to some be a bit overwhelming. Anyone with the capability to do online banking, or even browsing the Internet certainly has the skill level to understand the premises of this work. What was extraordinary to me was the depth of understanding Roland Hughes manifests, as the credibility of this novel is overwhelmingly impeccable. A work I read in electronic format, so instead of using the expression a “page-turner” I will, for the first time call Infinite Exposure a book where “My finger was glued to the scroll down key.”

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