Title: Amazing Caring Woman
Author: Cecile Labar
Publisher: Eber & Wein Publishing
ISBN: 978-1608806188
Pages: 59
Genre: Fiction; Stage Play
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

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Misty befriends Teresa and Elena when getting her hair fixed and each finds commonalities when discussing their marriages. Misty splits her time between working for the Royal National Theater and writing for The Glitzey Magazine alongside her editor husband. Her time with the magazine isn’t all that glamorous when she spots her husband with a journalist and begins to suspect he’s having an affair which only gets worse when he spends a late night at work. Meanwhile, her friends are facing problems in their marriages as Teresa faces potential damage to her reputation after it’s discovered what her husband does at work, and Elena faces the consequences of revealing a secret to her husband about their son’s conception.

The story is structured as a play with stage directions and an emphasis on dialogue so that it is easy to act out or read aloud. The format shifts how you view the story and how you engage with the characters as this allows for more interaction. Events pick up directly in the middle of the conversation between the three friends which quickly sets the tone and themes of what to expect. The play is short – making it a fast-paced read with a tight story that thoroughly explores the different relationships. This is a short production which is easy to put on, making it great for different settings such as drama classes and showcases. The dialogue is sharp-witted and contains a bit of humor that shows the dynamic between the three women and their various personalities with them discussing what it means to be a ‘morning cup of tea.’ This sets up the different struggles each is facing in their marriages which is then explored throughout the play.

The themes are explored by examining the relationship between husband and wife with three different couples as examples. The plot weaves between three friends as they navigate a specific obstacle in their relationship: Misty is convinced her husband is having an affair, Teresa deals with how her husband’s job could affect their reputation, and Elena’s secret. Significant themes explored through each are faith, trust, and appearances with each examined by comparing the couples. This is done by looking at how each couple handles pleasure, religion, and loyalty with the wives often gathering to discuss these topics. Religion is a prominent element to the play with Teresa’s husband torn between being a good Muslim and doing his job, and Misty suspecting her husband of cheating even though he views himself as a God-fearing man. These topics create a literary tone that is thought-provoking and entertaining with each character providing fodder for deeper discussion.

Friendship catalyzes these conversations as the three women get together to gossip, share, and give advice with authentic and genuine exchanges. An interesting component is scenes that compare the women to their husbands with the latter gathering to have similar talks about sex, religion, and marriage. This serves as an interesting catalyst for analysis and discussion about the differences in these perspectives, giving the play versatility as a literary discourse or performance subject.

Amazing Caring Woman is a highly recommended stage play for those who enjoy plays, character-focused narratives, exploration of relationships, and well-written dialogue. It is an engaging play about relationships, friendship, religion, and marriage with clever dialogue, humor, relatable characters, and thought-provoking themes.

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