Title: Alexander Meets Clementine
Author: Vicky Ann Meier
Illustrator: Mentari
Publisher: Holzer Books LLC
ISBN: 978-1-963380-21-7
Pages: 38
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Reviewer: Beth Adams

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Bringing a new pet into a home is always a highlight of one’s memories, and the excitement of the introduction of the new pet to an existing pet is a clear window into the instinctual behavior of animals.  How will they get along?  Although the outcome is almost guaranteed, knowing that each pet, in this case an existing dog meeting a newly adopted cat and vice versa, will all be good and loving, there is usually a brief period when the animals need to “break the ice” on their own terms.

In Alexander Meets Clementine, author Vicky Ann Meier brings the interactions of Alexander, the cat and Clementine, the family dog, to readers in a step-by-step sequence of events which is both loving and adventurous, creating a story-board layout of each of the milestones of their interactions.  Along with the artistic illustrations drawn by Mentari, the story is an action-packed and humorous chronicle of the two animals getting to meet each other.  Yes, the illustration on page 29 is priceless, as the two meet nose-to-nose, and is the climax for the readers – for me, that moment in the story really stands out!

Alexander is a uniquely detailed cat, with rather large ears resembling almost a bunny rabbit, with a white spot circling his left eye over his furry gray coat.  A bit goofy, one might say, making his appearance odd enough, causing him to be overlooked at the animal shelter by many people.  That is until Ellie and her mom see him, and instantly fall in love with his markings.  They bring him home to meet Clemintine, their family dog.  This sets the stage for the adventure of the two pets getting to know each other – passing the friend-or-flight instinct.  At first “flight” prevails having the two run throughout the house, when ultimately Ellie steps in and holds Alexander, and gently brings him over to the dog-cushion where Clemintine was sitting up with his tail wagging, eager to meet the new addition to the family.  From this moment forward, things begin to settle down as the pets get cozy and loving together.

What we have in Alexander Meets Clementine is a fanciful story based on real life, bringing the awe and excitement of a pet to all of the children who read this book.  Vicky Ann Meier has an admirable talent of creating emotionally stimulating events within what might otherwise seem a simple sequence of events, elevating the reading experience of this book into best-of-class status in the genre.  It is a wonderful creation of words and images which will undoubtedly be sought after time-and-time again by kids wanting a good bedtime story to fall asleep to.  The best part is now that Alexander and Clementine are in Ellie’s family, there most likely will be more adventures to come!

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